
Hair fetish workshop

Introduction to Hair Fetish


For many of us the idea of Hair Fetish is a new one. Discovering this topic a few years ago has led me down a very interesting and vast trip of discovery. 

This workshop will introduce you to the topic and the various kinks under the umbrella of the term “Hair Fetish”. Once you’ve started thinking about hair, hair play and hair fetish you’ll see it everywhere, most likely find parts of it in your life too. 

There will be a demonstration of basic hair play, techniques, toys and hair products. Afterwards there will be a time where you will be able to try out what you’ve learnt if you would like to. It is always your choice on how you participate. Everything to do with your body depends entirely on your comfort level.

To get the most out of the workshop I highly recommend coming with someone who you are comfortable to practice what you've learnt about hair play, also BYOB, bring your own brush. 


Questions and comments are always welcome throughout the workshop but there will be a dedicated time at the end for this as well.

 If you have any questions please do get in touch with me. You’re welcome to text, email or call. I look forward to hearing from you.

For more info please call or e-mail Fiona:   phone 0749 828 9845

Downloadable Workshop Notes

Do's and  Don'ts Tips to Enhance Your Hair Play

Click Here

Upcoming Workshops

There are works in the pipeline but if you want to book me for a private event or co-event do get in touch.


What was your favourite experience or moment of the event?

"very enjoyable and informative!"

" information about staging and feeling safe" 

"demonstration on myself"

"the workshop was amazing.."

"obiously loved being a volunteer! But it was all excellent & it felt very bondy when we were all practcing"

"when Richard almost had an orgasm"

Contact Me

Do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss a possible project or learn more about my work.