“Cultivate your curves – they may be dangerous but they won’t be avoided.”
―Mae West


Inspired by the fascinating world of Hair Fetish is where I started with erotic art. I find that eroticism that is more on the sublime side far more interesting than the “in your face,” popular porn images. The hint, the suggestion and the surprise of variety of sensuality is what I want my artwork to inhabit. I love sharing stories, ideas, and passions with my art with the viewer.


“Always leave them wanting more”

Gypsy Rose Lee


I have always loved using colour and strong lines in my paintings to create images that “pop”

I grew up in Canada but have lived in the UK for over 20 years. I studied fine art at London Guildhall University where I focused on painting but have been very blessed to have had amazing art teachers throughout my schooling.


I fell in love with painting the first time I used oils. I have used them throughout my art practice but after having sepsis in 2017 I lost the use of my hands. I wasn’t able to even write my name. Working hard to heal them I started using watercolours as they were “lighter” to use with my hands. I am now able to paint and draw how I like, how I have trained my body to do over it’s lifetime. The shakes are not noticeable to anyone but me and even with them I am able to paint the smooth, thin lines in my paintings.


“Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often.”
―Mae West

Instagram Beautiful Erotica Uk

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Do check out my linktr.ee page as it has all the events i'm involved with

Upcoming Exhibitions, Fairs and Markets

Hair Fetish inspired paintings

There are original artworks displayed in the Harness and Mane, London's premier fetish hair salon.

There are also Giclee Prints on sale. Giclee Prints are museum quality prints.  

Contact Me

Do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss a possible project or learn more about my work.